Wait List-Colonie

Each season the players with the highest seniority are drafted to fill the roster spots for the 14 teams.  Any players who are registered but were not drafted are placed on the Wait List.  These players are eligible to sub for roster players who will miss 2 or more consecutive games.   All subs are placed by the Wait List Manager for the respective division.  Subs are selected who are at the same or lower ranking as the roster player to be replaced and are selected in order of seniority.  The player at that ranking of highest seniority is contacted first and if they are not available the next player on the list is contacted until a replacement is found.  Replacement players pay $15/game and are guaranteed a minimum of 2 games.   When the roster player is ready to return, the replacement player returns to the sub list. The Colonie division assigns subs by a strict seniority basis.  The Albany division rotates sub assignments within each ranking.  When you are contacted by the Wait List Manager you need to return the contact ASAP.  If you are not available the Manager needs to contact others to fill the position and time is often critical.  If you do not respond quickly it may be necessary to bypass you and move on to the next player on the list to be able to fill the position.   

